How Data Coaching and Consulting Improves Your Farm Management

Maximizing efficiency and effectiveness on your dairy is a crucial element of farm management. Not only does it help your operation run smoother, but it impacts your bottom line.

Data collecting is a critical first step in understanding how your dairy is currently operating. With data in hand, it’s easier to analyze areas that are running smoothly and areas that need improvements. For many farmers, having a consultant as a part of the data analysis proves invaluable to understanding how to make the necessary changes to their operation. Some farmers believe their dairy is too small to have this service, but small and large dairies benefit from data consulting.

What is Data Coaching?
Data coaching is a professional in-depth analysis of your farm’s data. This includes reviewing your feed center and pulling reports that analyze ration performance, operator efficiency, and inventory management. The experienced coach has the ability to compare your data with similar dairies and identify challenges and opportunities you may be missing. With this information they are able to provide feedback and offer recommendations to improve efficiency on your farm.

What is Consulting?
Consulting is a service where a nutritionist comes to your farm every other week to every week and helps you with any input you need on day to day operations for your farm. Consulting services include reviewing areas of farm health and nutrition services, management (employees, reproduction, and feed center), facilities preparation for summer, and any other areas your farm has consultation needs. 

KS Dairy Consulting is the consulting branch of Supervisor Systems. We have a team of four nutritionists who serve dairy farmers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. 

Meet KS Dairy Consultants
Our team of experienced nutritionists have farm management experience and bring their own area of expertise to the work they do. Our approach to consulting starts with the nutritionist listening to the unique set of challenges on your farm. Through the use of data, they will identify inefficiencies and opportunities for change, maximizing your profitability. 

Keith Sather is the founder of KS Dairy Consulting and Supervisor Systems. Keith’s consulting focus is nutrition. He has been a dependable and invaluable asset for dairy farmers throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin over the past 39 years. Keith graduated in 1984 from the University of Wisconsin River Falls with a degree in Animal Science. He was a Feed and Nutrition consultant for Cenex for 9 years before starting KS Dairy Consulting in 1996.

Dave Hildebrandt is a consultant in all areas, but specializes in precision nutrition programs focused on maximizing dairy profitability. He has been a nutritionist for a total of 9 years, with 7 of those years with KS Dairy Consultants. Dave received his B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Wisconsin River Falls.

Blake Bagby is a consultant in all areas but specializes in Dairy Management, where he has 7 years of experience. He has been with KS Dairy Consulting for 2 years and has 4 years of consulting experience as a Nutritional Consultant. Blake received his B.S. in Animal Science from Iowa State.

Drew Johnson is a consultant in all areas and does nutritional consulting in Western Wisconsin and SE Minnesota. He has been with KS Dairy Consulting for 2 years, and has 12 years of consulting experience. Drew received his B.S. in Dairy Science from the University of Wisconsin River Falls. 

Whether or not you use one of Supervisor Systems’ software products, we can provide coaching and consultation to help you examine the details of your farm. Contact us today to set up this service for your dairy.